Sunday, March 27, 2011

Griffiti is nominated for a Smedia

Griffiti has made the final nominations for Small College Publication of the Year in the 2011 Smedias. Thank you to all who have contributed in some way to the magazine or even if you just picked up a copy to read.

Check out the category HERE.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Attention media students! Smedias

Have you entered this year's Smedias? If so, get in contact with us ASAP! We want to profile your submissions in the next issue of Griffiti.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New issue of Griffiti out now! Issue 42

The new issue of Griffiti, the first of 2011, is out now! As usual you can pick up a copy around campus or view it online HERE. This issue comes with the round-up of SU news, SHAG week coverage and the usual features including a look at homelessness in Dublin, an interesting take on the "reality" TV show Fade Street and this issue's In Focus shines a light on the work of the design faculty.